Equinox Fitness Classes – Ultimate Guide

Tired of the same old workout routine? Equinox fitness classes offer a variety of classes designed to enhance fitness and elevate your workout experience, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to dance workouts, there’s something for everyone. Equinox also offers specialized classes like boxing, barre, and Pilates, ensuring a diverse and engaging fitness journey. While exploring these classes, it’s also important to consider the Equinox Membership Cost.

1. Boxing and Kickboxing Classes

Equinox offers a variety of boxing and kickboxing classes designed to enhance fitness through martial arts techniques. These classes focus on both cardiovascular and strength training, providing a comprehensive workout experience.

The Cut

The Cut is a 45-50 minute choreographed cardio-forward boxing workout created exclusively by Equinox. It is a no-equipment class that uses light hand weights instead of gloves or heavy bags.

The class is divided into five rhythmic rounds, alternating between cardio work and strength training. It features intuitively-designed punching and kickboxing sequences set to curated playlists. Common moves include jabs, crosses, hooks, uppercuts, kicks, and burpees.

The Cut is taught by specially trained instructors like Christa DiPaolo and Caitlin McGowan. They guide participants through the moves slowly at first, then increase the speed to match the music. The class aims to improve speed, strength, and stamina through the intense cardio and total body conditioning.

While no equipment is used, the class is still very challenging. Participants report getting a great workout, with elevated heart rates throughout. The music and focus required to master the sequences also provide a fun, stress-relieving experience.


Equinox’s Boxing class is designed to provide an exhilarating workout that combines traditional boxing techniques with modern fitness principles. This class is perfect for individuals looking to enhance their cardiovascular fitness, build upper body strength, and improve their overall coordination and agility.

Class Structure

  1. Warm-Up: The session typically begins with a comprehensive warm-up to prepare the body for the intense workout ahead. This may include dynamic stretches, mobility exercises, and light cardio to elevate the heart rate.
  2. Technique Drills: Participants are guided through fundamental boxing techniques, including stance, footwork, and basic punches (jab, cross, hook, uppercut). This segment emphasizes proper form to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  3. Heavy Bag Work: The heavy bag is a staple in boxing training, allowing participants to practice their punches with resistance. This segment focuses on power and technique, helping to build muscle strength and endurance in the upper body.
  4. Speed Bag Training: The speed bag is used to improve hand-eye coordination, rhythm, and speed. Working with the speed bag enhances reflexes and timing, which are crucial for any boxer.
  5. Focus Pads: Participants pair up to work with focus pads, allowing for real-time feedback on technique and power. This interaction helps improve accuracy and allows for a more personalized training experience.
  6. Jump Rope: Jumping rope is a classic boxing conditioning exercise that enhances cardiovascular fitness, agility, and footwork. It’s often incorporated throughout the class to keep the heart rate elevated and improve coordination.
  7. Cool Down: The class concludes with a cool-down period, including static stretching and breathing exercises to promote recovery and flexibility.

The Cut: Jump Rope + Best Abs Ever

The Cut: Jump Rope + Best Abs Ever class at Equinox combines high-intensity jump rope exercises with targeted abdominal workouts for a comprehensive fitness experience.

The Cut: Jump Rope

This class is designed to deliver a robust cardio workout while enhancing conditioning. It features a structured format that includes:

  • Use of Two Types of Ropes: Participants utilize a 1/2 lb agility rope and a 2 lb rope called “The Fury.” The heavier ropes help with momentum and technique, making it easier to maintain rhythm while jumping.
  • Class Structure: The session consists of three 7-minute rounds. The first two rounds involve alternating between jumping and conditioning exercises, culminating in a freestyle round where participants can choose their rope and jump style. This format keeps the workout dynamic and engaging, reminiscent of childhood play.

Best Abs Ever

This component of the class focuses on building core strength and enhancing overall body performance. It integrates various abdominal exercises into the workout, ensuring that participants not only improve their cardiovascular fitness but also develop a stronger core.


POWERSTRIKE! is a signature kickboxing workout offered at Equinox gyms, developed by Ilaria Montagnani. It fuses authentic martial arts movements like karate and kickboxing, choreographed to energizing music for a high-intensity cardio and strength training workout.

The class is taught by certified POWERSTRIKE! instructors who have completed 180 hours of training with Equinox Fitness Training Institute. It is a challenging workout that provides a great leg workout and moderate upper body training.

The workout is designed to help students focus on speed, timing, coordination, and precision while mastering punches and kicks. It is a total body approach that builds muscles, strength, and flexibility.

The one-hour, highly addictive workout is safe for all levels and can be performed at varying degrees of intensity. Through repetition and proper technique instruction, beginners develop focus and discipline.

2. Stretch and Recovery Classes

Equinox offers a variety of Stretch and Recovery classes designed to enhance muscle recovery and flexibility. These classes focus on promoting blood flow to muscles and joints, which can help reduce inflammation and improve overall performance.

Best Stretch Ever

The Best Stretch Ever class at Equinox is a unique 30-minute session focused on enhancing flexibility, posture, and overall body stability through innovative stretching techniques. This class utilizes a specialized tool known as the Mobility Stick.

This tool is central to the class, enabling participants to stabilize their bodies while performing stretches. It helps in maintaining balance and allows for deeper engagement in stretches, making it particularly beneficial for those who may struggle with flexibility. Participants perform a variety of movements, including hanging, twisting, pushing, and pulling, which are designed to improve posture and increase stability.

Led by Dana McCaw, the class is described as a proactive approach to stretching and mobility training, contrasting with more traditional, passive recovery methods. Participants often leave feeling energized rather than fatigued, with many noting significant improvements in their lower back and hip flexibility. The class is designed to be enjoyable and accessible, making it suitable for individuals of all fitness levels.

Body Renew

The Body Renew class at Equinox is designed to help participants rejuvenate both physically and mentally through a combination of various fitness modalities. This class is part of Equinox’s diverse group fitness offerings, which focus on innovative and effective workout experiences. It emphasizes holistic wellness, integrating elements of strength training, flexibility, and mindfulness.

The class typically includes:

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: Participants begin with a series of movements to increase heart rate and prepare the body for exercise.
  • Strength Training: The core of the class often involves resistance exercises targeting major muscle groups. This may include the use of free weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises, designed to build strength and improve overall fitness.
  • Flexibility and Mobility Work: Incorporating stretching and mobility exercises helps enhance flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and improve range of motion, which is crucial for recovery and injury prevention.
  • Mindfulness and Breathing Techniques: Participants may engage in mindfulness practices, focusing on breath control and mental clarity, which are essential for stress reduction and enhancing overall well-being.
  • Cool Down: The class concludes with a cool-down period that includes gentle stretching and relaxation techniques to promote recovery.

This class is an excellent option for individuals seeking a balanced approach to fitness that prioritizes both physical and mental well-being. It caters to various fitness levels, making it accessible for beginners and experienced athletes alike. Participants can expect a comprehensive workout that not only challenges their bodies but also promotes relaxation and recovery.

Athletic Stretch

The Athletic Stretch class at Equinox is designed to aid recovery and enhance flexibility for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. The primary goal of this class is to help participants reboot post-performance. It emphasizes balancing stressed and tight muscles, which is crucial for anyone engaging in regular physical activity or intense workouts. By promoting flexibility and range of motion, this class prepares individuals for their next physical challenges.

The class typically involves a structured approach that includes:

  1. Warm-Up: Gentle movements to prepare the body for deeper stretching.
  2. Main Stretching Routine: A series of stretches targeting major muscle groups, often focusing on areas that are commonly tight, such as the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders.
  3. Cool Down: A period of relaxation and gentle stretching to help the body recover and integrate the benefits of the session.

Participants can expect to use a range of techniques and equipment during the class. This may include:

  • Dynamic Stretching: Engaging in movements that stretch the muscles while also preparing them for activity.
  • Static Stretching: Holding stretches for a longer duration to improve flexibility and muscle recovery.
  • Foam Rollers and Bands: Utilizing these tools to assist in self-myofascial release, which helps alleviate muscle soreness and tightness.
  • Mobility Sticks: These may be incorporated to enhance stability and improve posture during stretches.

The Athletic Stretch class is an essential component of a well-rounded fitness regimen, especially for those who engage in high-intensity workouts or sports. It not only complements strength and conditioning programs but also plays a crucial role in maintaining long-term physical health and performance readiness.

3. HIIT Workouts

Equinox offers a variety of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts designed to maximize fitness results in a shorter time frame. These classes incorporate different training styles and formats, catering to various fitness levels and preferences. These classes typically last between 30 to 45 minutes and are structured to include short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest or lower-intensity periods, which is the hallmark of HIIT training.


Stronger is an intense HIIT class at Equinox that combines heavy weight training with high-intensity intervals to challenge every muscle group. It is a one-of-a-kind class scientifically designed to push you to your limits and deliver optimal results.

The class is structured around circuits that alternate between strength-focused exercises using heavy weights and high-intensity cardio bursts. This combination of heavy lifting and HIIT training aims to maximize fat burning while building lean muscle mass.

Class Format

  • A typical Stronger class consists of several circuits, each containing 3-4 exercises.
  • The strength exercises focus on compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses. These are performed with heavy weights, typically in the 6-10 rep range.
  • The strength exercises are followed by high-intensity cardio intervals, such as burpees, mountain climbers, or plyometric exercises. These cardio bursts are designed to keep your heart rate elevated and maximize calorie burn.
  • After each circuit, you typically get a 1-minute break to rest and refuel. This allows your heart rate to recover before the next set of intense exercises.


Firestarter is a dynamic, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class offered at Equinox gyms. Designed to push participants to their limits, this 30-minute workout combines fast-paced cardio exercises with short recovery periods, making it an efficient and effective way to burn calories, build endurance, and enhance overall fitness.

Class Structure

The Firestarter class is structured around three main segments, each lasting approximately 7 minutes. These segments are designed to maximize intensity and provide a comprehensive workout that targets various muscle groups, particularly focusing on cardiovascular fitness and leg strength. Here’s a breakdown of the class format:

  • Warm-Up: The class typically begins with a brief warm-up to prepare the body for the high-intensity workout ahead. This may include dynamic stretches and light cardio movements to elevate the heart rate.
  • Segment 1: The first segment introduces two primary routines, each performed in pyramid intervals. Participants may engage in exercises for 15, 30, or 45 seconds, followed by short recovery periods. The focus here is on building momentum and getting accustomed to the intensity.
  • Segment 2: The second segment ramps up the intensity. Similar to the first, participants will perform two new routines, emphasizing explosive movements and agility. This segment often includes variations of plyometric exercises that challenge both strength and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Segment 3: The final segment is the most intense, pushing participants to their limits. The routines are designed to be fast-paced and demanding, ensuring that participants finish strong. This segment often incorporates complex movements that require coordination and power.
  • Cool Down: After the final segment, a cool-down period allows participants to gradually lower their heart rate and stretch the muscles worked during the class.

Firestarter incorporates a variety of exercises like Step Jumps, Lateral Bench Hops, Push-Up Variations and Burpees that keep the workout engaging and challenging. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness novice, Firestarter is designed to ignite your passion for fitness and help you reach new heights.


METCON3 is a high-intensity metabolic conditioning workout class offered at Equinox gyms. It is a 30-40 minute circuit-style class that taxes all three energy systems (phosphagen, glycolytic, and oxidative) to help boost metabolism and burn fat.

The class consists of:

  • 10 exercises performed for 60 seconds each
  • 60 second rest periods between rounds
  • 3 total rounds

Exercises often include a mix of strength training with weights (dumbbells, body bars, etc.) and cardio moves like plank jacks, squat jumps, and burpees. Instructors typically provide regressions and progressions for each exercise to accommodate different fitness levels.

METCON3 is structured in a way that allows participants to work at their own pace and challenge themselves as much as they want. The fast-paced format keeps the intensity high throughout the entire workout.

Many people enjoy the circuit-style format of METCON3 and find it to be an efficient, full-body workout that helps build strength and endurance while burning calories. However, the intensity can be challenging, especially for those new to high-intensity interval training. Arriving early to speak with the instructor about modifications is recommended for beginners.

4. Barre

Equinox’s barre classes provide a low-impact and gentle way to strengthen muscles through repetition and the use of body weight. While they can be challenging, participants have the option to modify the difficulty by going deeper into movements. Additionally, the classes incorporate props such as light weights, balls, and the barre itself to enhance balance and stretching. Equinox’s dedicated barre studios feature wall-mounted barres and mirrors, allowing participants to monitor their form effectively.

Barre Fit Cardio


Barre Fit Cardio at Equinox is designed as a high-energy, non-stop workout that combines elements of traditional barre with cardiovascular exercise. This class aims to elevate heart rates, promote maximum caloric burn, and sculpt a long, lean physique. Participants engage in a series of isometric movements that target various muscle groups while incorporating light weights and other props to enhance the workout’s intensity and effectiveness.

Class Structure and Benefits

  • Format: The class typically involves a mix of barre techniques and cardio intervals, making it suitable for those looking to improve their fitness while enjoying a dynamic workout environment.
  • Target Audience: While the class can be challenging, it is accessible for beginners. Instructors often provide modifications to accommodate different fitness levels, allowing participants to choose lighter weights and take breaks as needed.
  • Physical Outcomes: Regular participation in Barre Fit Cardio can lead to improved muscle tone, particularly in the legs, arms, and core, as well as enhanced flexibility and balance. Many attendees report feeling sore in new areas, indicating a comprehensive workout that targets underutilized muscle groups.

True Barre

True Barre classes at Equinox offer a unique blend of ballet-inspired movements and fitness conditioning. These classes are designed to provide a full-body workout that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and muscle toning through a series of targeted exercises.

Class Structure and Experience

True Barre is characterized by its structured format, which combines ballet techniques with conditioning exercises. The class typically includes:

  • Warm-up: Engaging in light movements to prepare the body.
  • Core Work: Focused exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • Targeted Muscle Exercises: Utilizing props like light weights and balls, participants perform movements such as push-ups, planks, and arm lifts.
  • Mat Work: Incorporating exercises like bridges and bicycles to further engage different muscle groups.

Classes are generally 55 minutes long and are designed to be accessible to participants of varying fitness levels. Most attendees wear socks or are barefoot, and it’s advisable to arrive early to secure a good spot at the barre for optimal visibility of the instructor.


A standard Barre class at Equinox is a full-body workout that combines elements of ballet, Pilates, and yoga to sculpt and tone the body. The class takes place in a dedicated Barre studio equipped with wall-mounted barres and professional mirrors to help participants maintain proper form.

The class typically begins with a warm-up that includes light cardio and stretching, followed by a series of exercises at the barre. These exercises are inspired by ballet and can include pliés, relevés, and arabesques, which target the legs, glutes, and core. The movements are performed in small ranges with isometric holds to fatigue the muscles.

Throughout the class, participants may use light weights, resistance bands, or a Pilates ball to add extra challenge and variety to the exercises. The class also includes mat work for the core, which can include planks, pushups, and other abdominal exercises.

Towards the end of the class, participants move away from the barre for more full-body exercises and a cool-down that includes stretching and flexibility exercises. The music during the class is upbeat and rhythmic, matching the pace of the workout.

5. Pool Workouts

Equinox offers a variety of pool workouts designed to provide a comprehensive fitness experience. These workouts are low-impact, high-intensity, and target every muscle group, making them suitable for individuals at all fitness levels.


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Aquasport is a dynamic and engaging workout class offered at Equinox fitness centers. It combines the benefits of cardiovascular exercise with strength training, all while taking advantage of the unique properties of water. This class is designed to provide a challenging and effective workout for individuals of all fitness levels, particularly those seeking a low-impact alternative to traditional land-based exercises.

Class Structure and Format

Aquasport classes typically last for 45 minutes, allowing participants to experience a well-rounded workout within a manageable timeframe. The class format focuses on full-body movements that engage the arms, legs, and core muscles, similar to aerobic exercises performed on land. However, the water environment provides natural resistance, making the exercises more challenging and effective.During the class, participants may engage in various exercises such as:

  1. Jogging in place: This exercise helps to raise the heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance while minimizing impact on the joints.
  2. High knees: This exercise targets the leg muscles and core while providing a cardio challenge.
  3. Strength training movements: Participants may use water resistance and equipment such as barbells to perform specific strength training exercises designed to target different muscle groups.

The class structure is designed to provide a balanced workout, with a warm-up, a main workout section, and a cool-down period. Instructors guide participants through the exercises, ensuring proper form and providing modifications as needed.

Aqua Strength

Aqua Strength is a 45-minute aquatic strength training and conditioning class offered at Equinox gyms. The class uses the natural resistance of water to provide a low-impact, full-body workout.

In the class, participants push, pull, and press against the water to work their muscles, and equipment like barbells is used to increase the intensity. Some sample exercises include:

  • Pool deck pull-ups (3 sets of about 20 reps each)
  • Holding barbells out to the side and moving the body up and down
  • Using barbells like parallel bars and moving the body from a forward to backward position
  • Jogging in place, high knees, butt kicks

The class is suitable for anyone looking for a low-impact workout that combines cardio and strength training. It can be modified to be easier or more challenging depending on your fitness level.

To get the most out of Aqua Strength, wear a comfortable bathing suit, shower before class, and be prepared to get in the pool. Barbells are provided on the pool deck.


EQX H2O is a signature water workout offered at Equinox gyms, designed to enhance fitness through swimming and performance training. This program focuses on low-impact, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in a pool setting, making it suitable for various fitness levels.

This workout consists of a series of classes that aim to work every muscle in the body through open-water swimming and performance training. Each workout is tailored to individual fitness goals and includes both endurance and interval training components.

Workout Types

  • H2O Speed: This workout emphasizes speed and cardiovascular fitness, incorporating drills such as flip turns and sprint swims. Participants engage in structured intervals that challenge their endurance and speed.
  • H2O Power: This format includes a mix of swimming and bodyweight exercises performed both in and out of the water, focusing on maximizing rounds in a set time, thereby increasing overall strength and conditioning.

The classes are designed to accommodate all skill levels, including beginners. For those new to swimming, there are basic classes that teach essential skills such as breathing techniques and stroke mechanics.

6. Cycling

Equinox offers a variety of cycling classes designed to enhance cardiovascular fitness and provide an engaging workout experience. They cater to various fitness levels and preferences, making them suitable for those looking for a premium indoor cycling experience. Equinox cycling studios are designed with comfort and motivation in mind, featuring soundproofing, mood lighting, and tiered bike placements for optimal visibility.


Anthem is a unique and immersive indoor cycling experience offered at Equinox, designed to elevate your workout by integrating music and rhythm into the cycling routine.

Unlike traditional cycling classes that focus heavily on metrics such as speed, distance, and calories burned, Anthem encourages participants to connect with the music and ride to the beat. This class aims to create an exhilarating atmosphere where the energy of the music drives performance and enhances the overall experience.

The heart of Anthem lies in its carefully curated playlist, featuring a mix of high-energy tracks that inspire movement and motivation. Participants are encouraged to synchronize their pedaling with the rhythm of the music, creating a dynamic and engaging workout.

The class typically includes structured intervals where riders increase their cadence for one-minute bursts while maintaining a consistent resistance level. These intervals are designed to challenge cardiovascular endurance and improve overall cycling performance.

Participants utilize resistance shifters to create brief surges of intensity, allowing for a varied workout that keeps the body engaged and challenged. This technique helps build strength and stamina while maintaining an enjoyable rhythm.

Anthem includes a designated “chill-out” song, during which participants can recover at their own pace, allowing the body to recuperate before the next challenge. The class concludes with upper body stretching, promoting flexibility and relaxation after an intense workout.

Cycle Power

Equinox offers a cycling class known as Cycle Power, which is designed to enhance endurance and performance through a structured, results-driven approach. This class simulates real-world cycling conditions, focusing on various terrains and inclines, all set to an energetic playlist.

Cycle Power emphasizes endurance training, incorporating elements such as climbs and sprints to challenge participants. It is more demanding compared to other classes, such as Cycle Beats, which is more rhythm-focused and suitable for beginners.

Classes typically last around 55 minutes, allowing for a comprehensive workout that engages both cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. Participants can use standard athletic shoes as the bikes come equipped with cages, though cycling shoes can enhance performance by providing better stability and power transfer.

For those new to cycling or looking to build endurance, it is advisable to start with classes like Cycle Beats before progressing to Cycle Power. This approach allows participants to acclimate to the cycling format and build foundational fitness before tackling the more intense demands of Cycle Power.

The Pursuit: Burn

The Pursuit: Burn is a signature cycling class offered at Equinox, designed to deliver an intense workout experience that combines cardiovascular training with strength-building elements. This class is part of Equinox’s innovative approach to fitness, emphasizing community, competition, and personal achievement.

Each class typically lasts between 45 to 50 minutes, making it a time-efficient option for those looking to maximize their workout in a short period.

The Pursuit: Burn is structured around high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This format alternates between periods of intense effort and recovery, allowing participants to push their limits while also incorporating necessary rest.

The class utilizes advanced technology to enhance the workout experience. Participants’ performance metrics are displayed on large screens, allowing them to track their progress in real-time. This gamification aspect includes team-based challenges and individual performance tracking, which helps to foster motivation and camaraderie among participants.

Instructors play a pivotal role in the success of The Pursuit: Burn class. They are trained to provide not only guidance on technique but also motivational support. They encourage participants throughout the class, celebrating achievements and pushing individuals to reach their potential.

Cycle Beats

Cycle Beats is a dynamic and engaging indoor cycling class offered at Equinox, designed to provide a high-intensity workout while syncing movements to an energizing music playlist.

The class structure is tailored to challenge participants of all fitness levels, allowing for individual adjustments in intensity and resistance. Each class lasts for 45 minutes, making it a compact yet intense workout option.

Classes typically begin with a warm-up to prepare participants for the high-intensity segments ahead. The core of Cycle Beats consists of various interval training segments, which may include:

  • Long Efforts: Participants may engage in two 3-minute efforts aimed at achieving a 1-mile distance.
  • Tabata Intervals: Short bursts of intense effort, such as 20 seconds of high-intensity cycling followed by 10 seconds of rest, often set to popular songs.
  • Additional Intervals: Other intervals may last 20 to 30 seconds, allowing for varied pacing and intensity throughout the class.

The class is designed around a carefully curated playlist that motivates participants during high-effort intervals and provides a rhythm for recovery periods. The music helps to enhance the overall experience, making the workout feel less monotonous and more engaging. The session concludes with a cool-down period, allowing participants to gradually lower their heart rates and stretch.

7. Sculpt

Sculpt classes at Equinox are designed to help participants build strength, endurance, and a toned physique. These classes are characterized by their energetic atmosphere and structured formats, often involving multiple circuits that keep participants engaged. The focus is on maintaining continuous movement, which helps in achieving both strength and endurance goals

Core Conditioning

Equinox offers a Core Conditioning class that focuses on enhancing your core, back strength, and flexibility. This class is designed to improve your posture, help you stand straighter, walk taller, and move better.

Core Conditioning targets your core muscles through a variety of exercises that power your most important parts. It is a low-impact workout that is welcoming to beginners and older adults, but still challenging for everyone.

Some of the core exercises you can expect in the class include:

  • Leg lifts
  • Squats of all varieties
  • Balance work using one foot on a block
  • High planks with arm or toe taps
  • Bridge work

The class also incorporates light stretching between the strength exercises to improve flexibility. Barbell work for the arms is sometimes included as well.

The instructor will demonstrate modifications for each exercise, allowing participants to select an appropriate difficulty level. The class is non-traditional and guarantees fast results in shaping and toning your core muscles.

Cardio Sculpt

The Cardio Sculpt class at Equinox is a dynamic workout designed to enhance both muscular strength and endurance through continuous movement. Typically lasting 55 minutes, this class combines elements of kickboxing with strength training, making it suitable for those looking to improve their fitness in a fun and engaging way.

Participants can expect a mix of kickboxing sequences and weight exercises. The class begins with a warm-up and progresses through various exercises that incorporate both cardio and strength components. For instance, participants might perform a series of kickboxing moves—like jabs, crosses, and kicks—interspersed with weightlifting exercises using light to medium dumbbells (usually between 5 to 10 pounds) for movements such as rows and presses.

This class is ideal for individuals looking for a comprehensive workout that emphasizes both cardio and strength without the intensity of high-impact routines. It is particularly beneficial for those who enjoy kickboxing or are seeking a more structured approach to incorporating cardio into their strength training regimen. The class format allows for gradual learning of techniques, making it beginner-friendly while still challenging for more experienced participants.

Band Burn

Band Burn is a specialized fitness class offered at Equinox, designed to sculpt a toned and lean physique through a unique combination of resistance training and movement techniques.

The class utilizes resistance bands and gliding discs to promote conscious movement, focusing on creating lean muscle and improving posture. It incorporates a variety of exercises such as squats, lunges, pushes, and pulls, executed in precisely timed intervals to maximize effectiveness and engagement.

The primary aim of Band Burn is to enhance muscle tone and flexibility while ensuring that participants maintain proper alignment and posture throughout the workout. This method not only builds strength but also increases mobility in the joints.

Participants can expect a challenging workout that emphasizes slow, controlled movements, which can be both physically demanding and rewarding. The class is often described as a blend of Pilates and barre, making it suitable for those looking to refine their body and improve overall fitness.


The Definitions class is a signature offering at Equinox gyms, designed to provide an intense total body workout that emphasizes muscle definition, strength, and endurance. This class is perfect for individuals looking to sculpt their physique while also improving their overall fitness levels.

Each Definitions class typically lasts for 50 minutes, making it a time-efficient option for those with busy schedules. The class generally follows a structured format that includes:

  • Warm-Up (5-10 minutes): A dynamic warm-up to prepare the body for the workout, often incorporating light cardio and mobility exercises.
  • Main Workout (30-35 minutes): A series of high-intensity strength training exercises targeting various muscle groups.
  • Cool Down and Stretching (5-10 minutes): A guided cool-down session to promote recovery and flexibility.

The Definitions class is designed to enhance muscle definition by incorporating a variety of exercises, participants can expect to see improvements in muscle tone and definition. It focuses on functional strength training, which can enhance performance in daily activities and other fitness pursuits.

The combination of strength and cardio elements helps build cardiovascular endurance alongside muscular endurance.

8. Pilates Workouts

The Pilates method, developed by Joseph Pilates, focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. At Equinox, members can engage in a variety of Pilates workouts that cater to different fitness levels and goals. Their studios are equipped with authentic Pilates apparatus and led by certified instructors.

Authentic Mat Pilates

Equinox offers Authentic Mat Pilates classes that focus on core strength, flexibility, and overall body conditioning, rooted in the original teachings of Joseph Pilates. These classes are designed to dramatically transform how your body feels and performs through a series of flowing exercises.

Each class is typically 60 minutes and consists of a continuous series of mat exercises that flow seamlessly from one to the next. This format not only keeps the heart rate elevated but also ensures that participants engage multiple muscle groups throughout the session.

Focus Areas

  • Core Strength: The primary emphasis is on strengthening the core muscles, which are crucial for overall stability and posture. Participants will learn to engage their deep abdominal muscles, which helps in performing everyday activities with greater ease.
  • Flexibility: Each session incorporates stretches that improve flexibility, particularly in the hips, back, and shoulders. This is essential for enhancing overall movement quality and reducing the risk of injury.
  • Breath Control: Authentic Mat Pilates emphasizes proper breathing techniques, which are integral to executing movements effectively and maintaining body awareness.

While the primary focus is on bodyweight exercises, classes may also utilize small equipment such as pilates ring, small balls and stretch bands.

Pilates Remix

Pilates Remix is a unique class offered at Equinox that combines traditional Pilates movements with a dynamic and energetic atmosphere. This class is designed to engage every muscle while incorporating a heart-pumping soundtrack, making the workout both enjoyable and effective.

Class Features

  • Core-Focused: Pilates Remix emphasizes core strength, utilizing various props to enhance the workout experience.
  • Continuous Movement: The class features continuous choreography, allowing participants to maintain a high level of engagement throughout the session.
  • Musical Integration: Music plays a significant role, helping participants stay mentally and physically connected to the workout, which is a key aspect highlighted by the class creators.
  • Equipment Use: Participants often use resistance bands and other small equipment to isolate specific muscles, enhancing toning and strength without a heavy cardio focus.

The class aims to improve overall strength and flexibility, making it suitable for various fitness levels. It is designed to be kind on the joints while still providing a challenging workout, which is beneficial for those recovering from injuries or looking for a lower-impact option.

Pilates Fusion

The Pilates Fusion class at Equinox is designed to strengthen the core and enhance flexibility through a variety of exercises performed on a mat. This class typically combines elements of traditional Pilates with other fitness modalities, such as light weight training and cardio, creating a comprehensive workout experience.

The class lasts for about one hour and is divided into two main segments:

  • Cardio and Strength Segment: The class usually begins with a 5-10 minute warm-up that may include light cardio exercises to elevate the heart rate. This is followed by a strength training segment using light weights or resistance bands. The focus here is on functional movements that engage multiple muscle groups, preparing the body for the Pilates portion.
  • Pilates Mat Work: The second half of the class transitions into Pilates mat exercises. This segment emphasizes core strength, stability, and flexibility. Participants perform a series of controlled movements that target the abdominal muscles, back, hips, and legs.

Participants often use props like a small ball, weights, and sometimes a cork brick, depending on the instructor’s plan for the class.

The instructor plays a crucial role in the success of the Pilates Fusion class. They demonstrate each exercise clearly, ensuring participants understand the correct form and technique. They also provide modifications for various fitness levels, allowing beginners to participate comfortably while also challenging more advanced attendees.

9. Dance Workouts

Equinox offers a variety of engaging dance workouts designed to combine fitness with fun. Classes typically last around 45 minutes and are structured to include warm-ups, the main workout, and cooldowns. Instructors focus on creating a supportive and energetic environment that encourages participants to express themselves through dance while achieving their fitness goals.

Choreo Sculpt

Choreo Sculpt is a signature dance fitness class offered at Equinox that combines dance cardio with toning exercises. It emphasizes both cardio and strength training, making it an effective choice for those looking to improve their overall fitness while having fun.

The class features easy-to-follow choreography set to curated playlists, creating an engaging workout atmosphere. The playlists often include popular dance tracks, making it feel like a dance party while participants work out.

In terms of difficulty, Choreo Sculpt is generally considered to be accessible for all fitness levels. It combines dance cardio with toning exercises, making it less intense than some high-impact classes offered at Equinox, but still challenging enough to provide a solid workout.

For beginners, there are modifications available during the class. Instructors often provide options to adjust the intensity of movements, ensuring that everyone can participate at their own level of comfort and ability.

A typical Choreo Sculpt class lasts about 50 minutes, providing ample time for both cardio and toning routines.


Zumba® classes are designed to feel like a dance party, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the music while engaging in a full-body workout. The choreography incorporates elements from various dance styles, including salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and hip-hop, which contributes to the program’s dynamic nature.

A typical Zumba® class lasts about an hour and is structured into three main segments:

  • Warm-Up: The class begins with a light warm-up that helps participants get acclimated to the movements and increases blood flow without complicated choreography.
  • Dance Workout: This is the core of the class, where participants follow the instructor through a series of dance routines set to upbeat music. The choreography is designed to be easy to follow, with many steps repeated throughout different songs, allowing participants to gradually learn and master the moves.
  • Cool-Down: The class concludes with a cool-down segment that includes stretching exercises to help lower the heart rate and promote flexibility.

Each class features a different playlist, keeping the experience fresh and exciting. Instructors often incorporate various dance styles and rhythms, ensuring that no two classes are the same.

The workouts are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. The choreography can be adapted for beginners, and participants are encouraged to move at their own pace. The high-energy nature of Zumba® helps improve heart health and endurance as participants engage in continuous movement.

Body Language

Unleash your inner dancer and express yourself in Equinox’s Body Language dance class. This cardio-focused session features a series of combinations inspired by music videos, set to the latest chart-toppers and beloved classics.

This class focus on:

  • Emotional Expression: Encouraging people to connect with their emotions and express them through movement.
  • Creative Exploration: Helping participants ignite their creative expression through choreography.
  • Personal Development: Aiding individuals in finding clarity in their voice and confidence in their movements.

Participants can expect a high-energy environment where they can let loose and enjoy the rhythm. The class is designed for all skill levels, making it accessible whether you’re a seasoned dancer or just starting.


Equinox offers a dynamic dance class called DANCE!, where instructors guide participants through fun combinations set to popular music. The class, that typically lasts for 45 minutes, incorporates various dance styles, including jazz, modern, funk, and hip hop, making it an engaging workout for those who enjoy dancing.

Participants follow along with the instructor, learning repetitive and simple dance sequences that are designed to be predictable by the end of each song. This format allows for an enjoyable experience, even for those who may find it challenging initially.

While the class includes elements similar to Zumba, it features a broader range of music styles beyond Latin, incorporating hip hop and pop dance moves as well.

DANCE! is ideal for individuals looking for an upbeat cardio workout that combines fitness with the joy of dancing. It’s suitable for various skill levels, encouraging participants to have fun while getting their sweat on.

10. Running Workouts

The running workouts at Equinox are a dynamic and effective way to improve running performance and fitness in a supportive group environment. The structured intervals and professional coaching help participants push their limits while maintaining proper running technique and reducing the risk of injury.

Precision Run Lab

The Precision Run Lab at Equinox offers a unique and advanced indoor running experience designed to enhance performance through method-driven treadmill training. Developed by David Siik, this program emphasizes interval training tailored to individual fitness levels, making it accessible for both novice and experienced runners.

Precision Run classes typically last 50 minutes and are structured around a series of intervals that vary in speed and incline. Participants use their one-minute personal record (PR) pace as a benchmark to determine their workout intensity, allowing for a customized experience. This method ensures that everyone can engage at their own level of fitness, making the class inclusive for those who may not have a strong running background.

Class Structure

  • Interval Training: The class incorporates a variety of interval types, which can change weekly. For instance, intervals may include running at different paces for set durations, followed by recovery periods. A typical session might involve running for 45 seconds at a challenging pace, followed by a recovery phase. This approach not only builds cardiovascular endurance but also improves VO2 max, a key indicator of aerobic fitness.
  • Environment and Equipment: Precision Run classes are conducted on proprietary Woodway treadmills, which are designed for optimal performance and comfort. These treadmills feature advanced technology that enhances the running experience, including a user-friendly dashboard that tracks speed and recovery times. The studio environment is carefully crafted with elements such as non-lyrical music and specialized lighting to enhance focus and motivation during workouts.
  • Accessibility: While the class is beneficial for those who can comfortably run a 5K, it is also designed to accommodate beginners. Participants are encouraged to communicate with instructors about their fitness levels and any prior injuries, allowing for modifications to ensure a safe and effective workout.

11. Yoga

Equinox offers a diverse range of yoga classes suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. The yoga studios are equipped with high-quality mats and props, ensuring a comfortable experience. Classes are typically well-structured, starting and ending on time, with a clean environment maintained throughout. Many instructors are noted for their expertise and ability to provide modifications for various skill levels.

Yoga Strong

Equinox offers a unique class called Yoga Strong, which incorporates a ten-pound sandbag to enhance traditional yoga practices with a strength training component. This class is designed for practitioners of all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis, and is available at all Equinox locations.

Yoga Strong is based on the Ashtanga yoga series and features expertly sequenced Vinyasa flows. The inclusion of the sandbag serves two main purposes: to increase the intensity of traditional yoga postures and to provide a grounding effect during restorative poses, similar to using a weighted blanket.

Participants use the sandbag in various ways throughout the class, such as placing it on their feet or back to deepen stretches or to add resistance during movements. This approach not only challenges strength and mobility but also aids in muscle engagement, making it particularly beneficial for those who may struggle with balance and stabilization in traditional yoga settings.

During a Yoga Strong session, participants can expect to engage in familiar yoga poses while also incorporating movements that target strength, such as overhead presses and rowing motions. Instructors provide modifications for different fitness levels, allowing everyone to participate comfortably and safely. The class pace is slower than more intense yoga styles, allowing for deeper exploration of each posture.

Vinyasa Yoga

Equinox offers a variety of Vinyasa Yoga classes suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. These classes are characterized by flowing poses and sequences that are linked to the breath.

Some key things to know about Vinyasa Yoga at Equinox:

  • Vinyasa is a vigorous, athletic approach to yoga that challenges your limits and soothes the mind. Classes range from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Instructors provide detailed instructions, form corrections, and modifications for beginners. Look for instructors who give thoughtful guidance and explain the intent behind exercises.
  • As a beginner, you may need to try out a few instructors to find the right fit. Some are more hands-on with adjustments while others are more hands-off.
  • Arrive early to introduce yourself to the instructor and let them know it’s your first time. They can provide helpful modifications and keep an eye on you.
  • Don’t be afraid to take child’s pose or modify poses as needed. The more you practice, the more your strength and flexibility will improve.
  • Vinyasa classes at Equinox often incorporate elements of Ashtanga yoga, with sequencing based on the primary and intermediate series. This makes for a more challenging practice.

Athletic Yoga

Equinox offers an Athletic Yoga class that is designed to challenge participants with a series of Vinyasa flows aimed at building strength and enhancing mobility. This class is characterized by its dynamic sequences that incorporate various poses, focusing on strength and balance rather than a slow flow. It is similar to power yoga, emphasizing quick transitions between poses and often including arm balances and strength-focused movements, making it less fluid than traditional Vinyasa yoga.

Class Features

  • Intensity: Athletic Yoga is more vigorous and fast-paced, suitable for those looking to push their physical limits.
  • Structure: The class typically involves a sequence of poses that targets the entire body, promoting both strength and flexibility.
  • Instructor Guidance: Classes are led by expert instructors who provide detailed instructions and modifications for different skill levels, ensuring that both beginners and advanced practitioners can benefit from the session.

Participants in Athletic Yoga can expect to improve their overall fitness, enhance body awareness, and develop better balance and coordination. This class is ideal for individuals seeking a workout that combines the benefits of yoga with a more athletic approach.

Inner Heat Yoga

Equinox offers an Inner Heat Yoga class, which is a heated vinyasa yoga class designed to build strength and ignite your full potential. The class features a progressive structure of challenging poses in a heated room to help release toxins, encourage deep breathing, and increase strength through flowing sequences.

The class is based on a Vinyasa style of yoga that links movement and breath to challenge your limits and soothe your mind. It is an intelligently sequenced flow class created for all levels, with a focus on total body awareness and anatomical precision.

The heated room has a base temperature of 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit, which helps practitioners acclimate to the warmth and sweat more during the class. However, the heat level is not as extreme as Bikram yoga studios, which are heated to 95-108°F.

Inner Heat Yoga is a thoughtful, Vinyasa-based class that provides a full body workout in a heated environment. It is suitable for anyone who enjoys yoga and wants to experience the benefits of practicing in a warmer studio, especially during colder months. Participants are advised to stay hydrated, use anti-slip towels on their mats, and take breaks if needed.

Alignment Yoga

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Alignment Yoga at Equinox focuses on enhancing total body awareness and anatomical precision through a thoughtfully sequenced flow class suitable for all levels. This class incorporates various elements such as sun salutations, standing poses, forward bends, twists, hip openers, and backbends, providing a comprehensive practice that emphasizes both strength and flexibility.

Key Features of Alignment Yoga

  • Total Body Awareness: Participants are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of their bodies and movements.
  • Anatomical Precision: The class emphasizes alignment and proper form to prevent injuries and enhance the effectiveness of the practice.
  • Intelligently Sequenced Flow: The sessions are structured to gradually build intensity and complexity, catering to practitioners of all skill levels.

Practicing Alignment Yoga can lead to improved posture, increased flexibility, and a greater sense of balance and stability in both physical and mental aspects. It is designed to help individuals connect more deeply with their bodies and enhance their overall yoga experience.

Equinox Digital Classes

Elevate your fitness journey with Equinox+, the all-in-one app that brings the high-performance Equinox experience right to your fingertips. Whether you’re at home, on the go, or simply prefer the convenience of digital workouts, Equinox+ offers a diverse range of immersive classes taught by expert instructors.

Why Choose Equinox+ Digital Classes

  • Variety: Explore a wide array of disciplines, from invigorating yoga flows with PURE Yoga to heart-pumping treadmill runs with Precision Run. Strengthen your core with [solidcore]’s Pilates-inspired workouts, enhance your athletic performance with TB12 training inspired by Tom Brady, or delve into Equinox’s signature programming featuring MetCon3 and Tabata.
  • World-Class Instructors: Learn from the best in the industry as Equinox’s renowned instructors guide you through every class, ensuring proper form, motivation, and a challenging yet enjoyable experience.
  • Cinematic Experience: Immerse yourself in the energy of each class with high-quality production featuring multiple camera angles and dynamic lighting, making you feel like you’re in the studio.
  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your workouts, track your metrics, and sync your data with Apple HealthKit to stay on top of your fitness goals.
  • Challenge Yourself: Participate in monthly challenges, earn badges, and share your accomplishments with the Equinox+ community as you strive for your personal best.
  • Convenience: Stream classes anytime, anywhere, on your preferred devices – whether it’s your phone, tablet, computer, or TV.

Start your fitness transformation today with a complimentary 7-day trial of Equinox+. Discover a world of limitless possibilities, where you can sweat, strengthen, and connect with a community of like-minded fitness enthusiasts.


Equinox’s diverse class offerings cater to a wide range of fitness goals and preferences. Whether you’re seeking intense cardio workouts like Firestarter or METCON3 to torch calories and build endurance, focused strength training sessions like Stronger or Definitions to sculpt and tone your physique, or relaxing recovery classes like Best Stretch Ever or Athletic Stretch to enhance flexibility and mobility, Equinox has something for everyone.

With options ranging from high-energy dance workouts like Zumba® and Choreo Sculpt to low-impact aquatic exercises like Aquasport and Aqua Strength, you can find the perfect fit for your individual needs and preferences. Their expert instructors, state-of-the-art studios, and commitment to innovation ensure a premium fitness experience that goes beyond the ordinary, helping you achieve your wellness goals in a motivating and supportive environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Equinox classes good?

Equinox is renowned for its diverse range of high-quality classes, catering to a wide array of fitness interests. From strength training and HIIT to yoga, Pilates, barre, cycling, dance, martial arts, and meditation, there’s something for everyone. Equinox instructors are known for their expertise and motivation, while state-of-the-art facilities enhance the overall experience. However, popular classes can get crowded, and pre-registration is often unavailable. The cost of membership, including classes, is also a significant factor to consider.

Are classes included in Equinox membership?

Yes, unlimited access to Equinox’s signature classes is included in all membership tiers. This means that once you are a member, you can attend as many classes as you like without any additional fees. This includes both in-person classes at physical Equinox locations and a wide variety of virtual classes through their Equinox+ app. The class offerings are diverse and cater to a wide range of interests and fitness levels. Whether you’re looking for high-intensity workouts, strength training, dance-based classes, yoga, Pilates, or even meditation, you’ll find a variety of options to choose from.  

How do I book classes?

Booking a class at Equinox is a straightforward process designed for convenience. Members can easily reserve their spots through the EQX+ app, which is available for both iOS and Android devices. Once you open the app, navigate to the “Classes” section, where you can browse through the extensive schedule of offerings. Each class is listed with details such as the instructor, duration, and intensity level. After selecting your desired class, simply tap “Book,” and your spot will be secured. It’s a user-friendly experience that allows you to plan your workouts in advance and ensures you have a place in the classes you love.

How can I cancel my class booking?

If your plans change and you need to cancel your class reservation, Equinox makes this process easy as well. You can cancel your booking through the EQX+ app by tapping the Calendar icon, selecting the specific class you wish to cancel, and choosing the option to unbook. It’s important to note that cancellations made more than three hours before the class start time are penalty-free. However, if you cancel within the three-hour window, a Late Cancel penalty will apply. Additionally, accumulating three late cancels or no-shows within a 30-day period will temporarily restrict your ability to make online reservations for a week, so it’s best to plan accordingly.

Can I attend a class if I didn’t book it?

Equinox understands that sometimes plans change at the last minute, which is why they accommodate walk-ins whenever possible. If you arrive at the club and haven’t booked a class, you can check with the Front Desk to see if there is space available in the class you wish to join. While walk-ins are welcome, it’s important to note that classes can fill up quickly, especially popular ones. Therefore, to secure your spot and avoid disappointment, it’s always recommended to book in advance whenever possible.

What should I wear to an Equinox group fitness class?

When attending a group fitness class at Equinox, it is essential to wear appropriate athletic attire and footwear to ensure both comfort and safety. Members are encouraged to choose clothing that allows for a full range of motion, such as moisture-wicking fabrics that help keep you dry during intense workouts. For most classes, standard athletic wear like shorts, leggings, and fitted tops are suitable. Footwear is also crucial; proper athletic shoes are required on the Strength Floors and during classes to provide adequate support and traction. In certain classes, such as yoga or Pilates, instructors may request that participants remove their shoes to maintain a clean practice space. Additionally, specific classes like cycling may require specialized shoes that clip into the bike pedals, so it’s advisable to check the class description for any specific footwear recommendations.

Are there any beginner classes available at Equinox?

Equinox offers a variety of beginner-friendly classes designed to accommodate those new to fitness or specific workout styles. These classes are structured to introduce fundamental movements and techniques, ensuring participants feel comfortable and confident as they progress. For instance, beginner yoga classes focus on foundational postures and breathing techniques, while introductory cycling sessions provide guidance on bike setup and basic cycling techniques. Additionally, many of Equinox’s group fitness classes, such as dance and Pilates, cater to various skill levels, allowing beginners to join without feeling overwhelmed. To find beginner classes, members can explore the schedule in the EQX+ app, which often highlights classes suitable for newcomers.

How do I find the best instructor for my class type?

Finding the right instructor for your preferred class type at Equinox can significantly enhance your workout experience. Each instructor brings their unique style and expertise, so it’s beneficial to explore different options. Members can review instructor profiles in the EQX+ app, where you can find information about their qualifications, teaching styles, and class schedules. Additionally, attending a few classes with different instructors can help you determine who resonates with your fitness goals and preferences. Many members also find it helpful to ask fellow participants for recommendations based on their experiences. Ultimately, the best instructor for you will be someone whose teaching style aligns with your fitness objectives and motivates you to push your limits.

What are the penalties for late cancellations or no-shows?

Equinox has established clear policies regarding late cancellations and no-shows to promote fairness and accountability among members. If you need to cancel a class reservation, you can do so without penalty up to three hours before the class starts. However, if you cancel within this three-hour window, you will incur a Late Cancel penalty. Accumulating three Late Cancels or No Shows within a 30-day period may result in a temporary restriction on your ability to make online reservations for a week. This policy is in place to ensure that spots are available for other members who may want to attend the class. Therefore, it’s advisable to manage your bookings carefully and communicate any changes to your plans in a timely manner.

Know More About Equinox Membership

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